February 2025

It’s February and love is in the air! The teachers at Adventure Hours certainly felt the love over the Christmas Holidays with all of the beautiful and thoughtful gifts! Thank you for all of your kindness and generosity, it was certainly appreciated and enjoyed! 

Valentine’s Day Parties
We will be holding our Valentine’s Day parties this year on:

Thursday, February 13th and Friday, February 14th

If your child is not scheduled on one of these dates, please email Shelley to make arrangements. We welcome any children to hand out Valentines Day cards for their peers. Please send your child’s cards signed with their name, addressed to “My Friend”.  To help us celebrate Valentine's day, we encourage everyone to dress in red or pink!

Thursday (morning) - 20

Thursday (afternoon) - 12

Friday (morning) - 18

By now many of you have signed up to REMIND - a simple texting app that allows us to send out text reminders of upcoming events like Fun Days, closures and other important messages. If you have not had the opportunity to sign up and would like to participate, text @ccranston to (226) 271-1104.

Join us on instagram to see fun posts about what we’ve been up to, as well as reminders about special events at Adventure Hours! Find us at advenhours and see what you may be missing! 

With winter, comes snow. Should the Nursery School ever need to close due to poor weather conditions, there will be an announcement made on the local radio stations, as well as Remind, and posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages. If there is nothing posted, you may assume the Nursery School is open as usual. If the Nursery School is closed, a makeup day will be given to your child. Our first priority is always the safety of our children and their families. We would rather issue a makeup day than take a chance on uncertain weather.

Happy Birthday!!

Alina- February 9th

Avery - February 14th

Scholastic flyers are back!

Did you know the Nursery School receives a percentage of every book purchased? This  allows us to supply the Nursery School with quality books for your child to enjoy!

If you have not received one and would like one, extra flyers are available upon request. 

Online orders are accepted through scholastic.ca using class code RC147774 upon checkout. 

Dates to Remember
*******Monday, February 17th - Family Day - CLOSED******

*******March 10-14th - March Break - We are  OPEN******

*IF your child will be absent during the March Break, please email Miss Shelley*

Illness & Absenteeism
We would like to remind all parents that in the event your child will not be attending their scheduled session due to illness, appointments or P.A. days, that you email Miss Shelley at the Nursery School or message through REMIND. 

We hope everyone has a LOVEly February! 

Sincerely, Miss Shelley, Miss Michelle and

    Miss Stephanie

Calendar and Newsletters